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Adult Volunteer Program Information:

Thank you for your interest in Cook Children's adult volunteer program. Cook Children's Fort Worth is a non-profit hospital that has been caring for sick and injured children for over 107 years. From the very beginning, volunteers have played a vital role in providing comfort and care during a time of need. Cook Children's Prosper opened its doors in December, 2022 allowing us to expand our ability to care for children and famlies to our northeast.

Volunteer opportunities are currently available Monday - Friday, mornings and afternoons. A limited number of weekend and evening options exist as well. Shifts are usually once per week at the same day/time, although some opportunities exist with more flexibility.

Adult Program Requirements:
1. Must be 18 years old
2. Out of high school
3. NOT a full-time, undergrad college student (meaning taking fewer than 12 class hours)
4. Able to commit to a minimum of 50 hours in a 12-month period.
5. Able to pass a background check.

When your references have been received and your application reviewed for a possible match, you will be contacted by e-mail (or phone) for a personal interview. This is normally accomplished within five days of receipt of your references. Please check your junk email folder if you have not been contacted within this time frame as sometimes e-mails ending in .org are filtered out as junk mail.

Health Requirements: (We cannot waive vaccinations)
1. COVID vaccination is no longer required but is highly recommended.
2. Record of varicella (chicken pox) immunity. This can be one of the following:
A. Proof of having received the two varicella vaccinations from your medical/immunization record.
B. Proof of a positive blood titer (blood work) showing that you are immune to varicella (positive result). Cook Children's can provide the varicella vaccinations to you at no charge if your result is negative.
Note that a shingles vaccination is not proof of having had chicken pox as anyone can get one whether they have had chicken pox or not.
3. Cook Children's requires volunteers to complete an initial Tuberculosis (TB) skin test and an annual flu vaccination. These are provided at no charge.
4. Proof of MMR and TDaP vaccination.

Please fill out your application with as much detail as possible as this is our first opportunity to "meet" you. If you have any questions about the forms or requirements, please call the Fort Worth volunteer office at 682-885-4337

Thank you!

Marie Howell, CVA, CAVS
Manager, Volunteer Services

Personal Information
We believe our volunteers should reflect the diversity of our patient population. By providing your demographic information, you allow us to ensure we are meeting our goal. Answers are still optional.
About you (Please complete the following information)
Availability Weekdays
Availability Weekends
Background Check

You will be asked to sign an authorization form allowing your background check to be completed. Applicants must have a clear record (no arrests, convictions, nolo contendere pleas, deferred adjudications, or any other criminal entries). Per Cook Children's policy, you will be declined as a volunteer if there are any blemishes on your background check.

Emergency Contacts

In case you become sick or injured while volunteering, please list the emergency contact information for the person you want notified

Emergency Contact

I understand and agree that in the performance of my duties as a volunteer of Cook Children s Health Care System I must hold in strictest confidence any observations I may make or information I may hear regarding patients, patient families or staff.

I verify that all of the information provided by me on this application is true, correct and complete. I attest that I have never been arrested or charged with any crime and grant Cook Children's permission to verify this information in arriving at a decision.

I understand that false or misleading statements or the omission of any information necessary to make this application complete will result in rejection of my application or termination of my service.

Additionally, Cook Children's has my consent to photograph, videotape, or audiotape me performing my volunteer duties. I understand that these may be used toward the advancement of public education, the promotion of Cook Children's, and/or any other legitimate purpose.

I understand that upon my successful completion of the volunteer placement processes required at Cook Children's, I will become a volunteer. As a volunteer, I acknowledge that I will not receive compensation for services.